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Spacehey custom theme collection(CODES inside w/ videos)

Hey there! 🎨 Welcome to my collection of awesome SpaceHey color themes. If you’re looking for a fresh, eye-catching palette to jazz up your page or just want a great starting point for your own custom design, you’re in the right place! These themes are perfect for minimalist vibes or giving your layout a whole new look. And guess what? I’m always adding more, so keep an eye out for new styles! Feel free to grab any theme you like and give your SpaceHey page a makeover. For even more fun ideas and tricks, check out my YouTube channel where I dive into building cool stuff with these themes. Enjoy! 🌟

"Deep Purple"

(Place this code anywhere in your profile to change the colors)

:root {
--light-gray: #f5f0f5; /* Soft light lavender gray */
--gray: #d8bfd8; /* Light purple-gray */
--dark-gray: #8a2c77; /* Darker purple-gray */
--darker-gray: #5a1f4f; /* Deep purple-gray */
--logo-blue: #6a0dad; /* Deep purple */
--darker-blue: #4b0082; /* Indigo (darker purple) */
--lighter-blue: #9b4d8a; /* Medium light purple */
--even-lighter-blue: #cfa2b0; /* Light mauve */

--lightest-blue: #e6d8e3; /* Very light lavender */
--red: #8b008b; /* Dark magenta as a contrasting color */
--dark-orange: #4b0082; /* Indigo (substitute for dark orange) */
--light-orange: #b69cbb; /* Soft pinkish purple (substitute for light orange) */
--even-lighter-orange: #e6d8e3; /* Very light lavender (substitute for even lighter orange) */
--strange-yellow: #d8a1d8; /* Soft pastel purple (substitute for yellow) */
--green: #6a0dad; /* Use purple here to keep with theme */
--light-green: #9b4d8a; /* Medium light purple for consistency */
--medium-green: #cfa2b0; /* Light mauve for medium green */
--dark-green: #4b0082; /* Indigo for dark green substitute */
accent-color: #6a0dad; /* Deep purple for accent */

main {
background-color: rgb(255,255,255, 70%) !important;

nav .links a {
text-shadow: 0 0 7px purple !important;


"Orange Crush"

(Place this code anywhere in your profile to change the colors)

:root {

--light-gray: #fdf5f5; /* Very light orange-gray */
--gray: #f9e0d9; /* Soft peach-gray */
--dark-gray: #f2b89c; /* Medium orange-gray */
--darker-gray: #e09e78; /* Deep orange-gray */
--logo-blue: #ff6f00; /* Bright orange */
--darker-blue: #e65100; /* Darker orange */
--lighter-blue: #ff8c00; /* Medium orange */
--even-lighter-blue: #ffb74d; /* Light orange */
--lightest-blue: #ffcc80; /* Very light orange */
--red: #ff5722; /* Strong reddish-orange as a contrasting color */
--dark-orange: #e65100; /* Darker orange */
--light-orange: #ff8c00; /* Medium orange */
--even-lighter-orange: #ffb74d; /* Light orange */
--strange-yellow: #ffcc80; /* Very light orange */
--green: #ff6f00; /* Use orange here to keep with theme */
--light-green: #ff8c00; /* Medium orange for consistency */
--medium-green: #ffb74d; /* Light orange for medium green */
--dark-green: #e65100; /* Dark orange for dark green substitute */
accent-color: #ff6f00; /* Bright orange for accent */


main {
background-color: rgb(255,255,255, 70%) !important;

nav .links a {
text-shadow: 0 0 7px darkorange !important;

.profile .blurbs .heading h4,
.profile .friends .heading h4 {
color: white !important;


"Tropical Teal"

(Place this code anywhere in your profile to change the colors)

:root {

--light-gray: #e0f2f1; /* Very light teal-gray */
--gray: #b2dfdb; /* Soft teal-gray */
--dark-gray: #80cbc4; /* Medium teal-gray */
--darker-gray: #4db6ac; /* Deep teal-gray */
--logo-blue: #00796b; /* Teal */
--darker-blue: #004d40; /* Dark teal */
--lighter-blue: #26a69a; /* Medium teal */
--even-lighter-blue: #4db6ac; /* Light teal */
--lightest-blue: #80cbc4; /* Very light teal */
--red: #d32f2f; /* Strong contrasting red */
--dark-orange: #c62828; /* Darker red for contrast */
--light-orange: #e57373; /* Medium red for contrast */
--even-lighter-orange: #ef9a9a; /* Light red for contrast */
--strange-yellow: #f06292; /* Light pink as an alternative */
--green: #004d40; /* Dark teal as a green substitute */
--light-green: #00796b; /* Medium teal for light green */
--medium-green: #26a69a; /* Light teal for medium green */
--dark-green: #004d40; /* Dark teal for dark green substitute */
accent-color: #00796b; /* Teal for accent */

main {
background-color: rgb(255,255,255, 70%) !important;

nav .links a {
text-shadow: 0 0 7px teal !important;

.profile .blurbs .heading h4,
.profile .friends .heading h4 {
color: white !important;


"Olive Oil"

(Place this code anywhere in your profile to change the colors)

:root {
--light-gray: #e9f5e1; /* Soft, pale green */
--gray: #b4d5b4; /* Light, muted green */
--dark-gray: #8a9a5b; /* Medium dark olive green */
--darker-gray: #4a5d23; /* Deep forest green */
--logo-blue: #4caf50; /* Vibrant marijuana green */
--darker-blue: #388e3c; /* Medium dark green */
--lighter-blue: #81c784; /* Light green */
--even-lighter-blue: #a5d6a7; /* Very light green */
--lightest-blue: #c8e6c9; /* Pale green */
--red: #d32f2f; /* Contrast color - dark red */
--dark-orange: #6b8e23; /* Olive green (substitute for dark orange) */
--light-orange: #9e9d24; /* Mustard green (substitute for light orange) */
--even-lighter-orange: #d0d8d1; /* Light gray-green (substitute for even lighter orange) */
--strange-yellow: #c0ca33; /* Chartreuse green (substitute for yellow) */
--green: #4caf50; /* Vibrant marijuana green */
--light-green: #81c784; /* Light green */
--medium-green: #a5d6a7; /* Medium light green */
--dark-green: #388e3c; /* Dark green */
accent-color: #4caf50; /* Vibrant marijuana green for accent */

main {
background-color: rgb(255,255,255, 70%) !important;

nav .links a {
text-shadow: 0 0 7px teal !important;

.profile .blurbs .heading h4,
.profile .friends .heading h4 {
color: white !important;


If you like and want to see more themes please add me and follow my blog I will be updating this page and more. If you have any questions about coding or designing feel free to message me. I love to code and thought it would be cool to share tips, tricks and knowledge about spacehey-related codes so everyone can build the things they want, so I have begun a YouTube channel on spacehey-related tips and more please check it out and let me know what you think. Maybe even give it a like :).


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Below is a link to my first 2 videos where we make a fire "Ganja" template out of the "Olive Oil" theme, enjoy and a purple galaxy from my "deep purple" theme.

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