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1M me 0r p0st a reference here n 1 w1ll d00dle ur furs0na!

1 m1ght struggle a l1ttle w1th very c0mpl1c8ted des1gnz and 1m m0re sk1lled at draw1ng male characters but 1 w0uld l0ve t0 pract1ce draw1ng a diverse var1ety 0f furr1es! My style tends t0 skew m0re Kem0n0 0r sumt1mez k1gurum1 0r just generally an1me-stylled. :3 1'm als0 d01ng th1s 2 meet new fr1ends because 1'm new. 1 d0n't fr1end m1n0rs th0ugh s0rry.

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Reply by Noelle Suplex


Surprised no one has taken you up on this offer. My fursona is pretty basic I'd say :3c

Onyx The Sheep

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Reply by JustVavx


Here is mine :3 you also can sent me a reference character if you want and I'll draw your character in return ^_^

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