does anyone play pz on this thing and might want to do some sort of multiplayer thing . i remember a while ago like 2 years ago or something . seeing on the project zomboid subreddit a clip of these guys doing some multiplayer server thing where theyve all got military combat gear on and loaded rifles and theyre mowing down like a horde of sprinters and one of their friends got mauled and gored by a zombie and they were in voice chat like 'NOOOOOO!!!!!! THEY GOT KEVIN!!!!' or whatever his name was idk kevin or something like that , and it just looked like so much fun and i remember being like . yo . i want to do something like that . but i never managed to join a multiplayer server and play on it without getting bored fast cos im just looting empty buildings for an hour and theres like 1 other guy online in the server . so . does anyone want 2 do multiplayer