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how am i supposed to be less jealous of other works

i've tried fighting it with "yes, my art is cringely bad on purpose" internally, but im still feeling jealous of not being able to draw as well as others :(

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Reply by Dagger


I also struggle with a lot of artistic insecurity. Really just insecurity in general.

I think I've recently had a break through in realizing that other art that I think is better isn't a threat to me. In the past I've felt like other art is better because the artist is doing things I feel like I either can't or would never have thought of, and the inferiority was crushing.

But then I realized I could just do that. If I saw someone doing something that made me feel bad I would try to emulate it. It's helped me shift my thinking from "Fuck, I could never. My art is shit." towards "Okay I definitely didn't think of that, but can I do it?"

It's helped me a lot, and I can definitely see an improvement in my art from trying new things and doing studies of art I would normally feel intimidated by.

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Reply by AstralAnomaly


The way I would somewhat combat that is instead of thinking about how much better everyone’s art was, to start thinking more about what I like about their art and then try to see if I could implement that in my drawings. That made me feel less like I was in competition with others but more like I was cooperating with them.

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Reply by Lilac :3


maybe you could ask the people how they make their art and try to make art like theirs (credit them if ur posting it on yt or js showing it to ppl irl) or try to get better at art in general

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