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How do I find gay ppl irl?

Posted by Rey !!


Forum: The Gays Group

I live in Germany so there isn’t that many queer people to befriend, I also really want a partner and I’m not dating my friends.. I’m not the most popular, alternative or social person so I’m afraid that the gays think I’m judging them whenever I look at them :c 

Where can I find them I need helpppp X(

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Reply by Ferdinand


an upfront approach works ( only when u know for SURE theyre gay). and usually those people have connections who have connections, so on so forth. putting yourself out there is TOUGH but standing and waiting for the cool gay person to hand you an invite to a club hasnt worked for most. consider looking online for clubs or local events if your town is large. perhaps youll find a flag on someones backpack and try introducing yourself. the biggest cure for loneliness is finding someone just as lonely, youre not the only one out there! i personally think the coolest gays are the library nerds. if theres a few books you know that have queer rep, maybe be seen reading those publically or see who checks them out. conversations are tough, but people are usually kind, just also nervous

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Reply by alespren


if ur a student, look for queer clubs or organizations at ur school! a lot of highschools and colleges have gay-straight alliances or other queer groups (at least in the us... not sure if thats true in germany as well but its worth a shot)

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Reply by Laneee :3


If you are in school take theater, if you aren't look for local LGBT groups on Facebook (I know people consider FB an old people site but it is really good for local stuff) or other local forums. I don't recommend LGBT friend making apps bc from my experience 90% of ppl are just trying to fuck and not build friendships or relationships. Goodluck!!!

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Reply by mirza


ya +1 for the queer clubs/associations @ school. they're very nice

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Reply by 爪卂ㄒ


i m3t m0st my fr13ndz bcz th3yr3 gay. W3 w0u1d hang 0ut an uzua11y th3yd bring it up th3mz31f

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