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yapping + ice breaker lolz

So I'm literally obsessed with Smiling Friends right now. Absolutely hyperfixatedddddddd. definitely recommend it btw it's on hbomax and its so good. its an adult cartoon. i may be looking super deep into it but each character has such a unique personality unlike other cartoon which may have characters with basic and bland personalities. I find it so interesting and I'm obsessed. also i love the humor.

anywayssss, the question:

what stuff are you all hyperfixated on or at least just interested in? I'm curious on what cool things people say :3

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Reply by Lemmingsishard


I like weird random parts of history like this, I have been thinking way too much about runescape, particularly the history of it. It has gotten to the point where I have worked on projects that aim to recreate parts of rs history. I also like programming C/C++ and Python all the way.

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at the moment i am mainly hyperfixated on Arcane, F1 and Dean Martin. My interests always spin in circles tho, well not really circles more of an 'all over the place' shape...

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Reply by Offline


Right now I'm trying to 100% Bowers Insdie story and watch and read all of One Piece and all of its spin offs, movies, specials, side stoies, OVAs, etc. I already caught up with the manga and I'm nearly caught up with the anime. It's mostly the side stuff I have left to watch and read and I've nearly beaten BiS too

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