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tell me about your autism diagnostic process

i'm finally gonna get tested for it after being gaslit by doctors for 7 years just telling me i have to go out more, and i'm VERY scared that i'm gonna get gaslit again after paying :(

please share your experiences with me!!

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Reply by Lore


Oh this is really stressing, I’m sorry ;-; 

It wasn’t hard for me, I got tested as a kid, I didn’t get my diagnostic back there but when I got tested again it was with the same person, so this really make a diference.

Also almost everyone around me (family, teachers and other doctors) told me that I was autistic, so for me it was easy. 

I don’t know what to say, perhaps you should look for someone who is specialized in autism, I’m not sure how this works on your country but here at Brazil the person who tests autism algo work with other things, so finding someone who works ONLY with this might make it easier. 

Hope this help, good luck !

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Reply by AlterEgo


Basically I walked into a psychiatrists office for severe depression and she was like, "Sounds like you're autistic" and I was like, "yeah, probably." It didn't surprise me.

But you know it doesn't change anything. No-one will cut you any slack because you're on the spectrum. Meds only cure the co-morbid stuff like anxiety and depression. And in fact, I've regretted telling people irl and try to hide it now.

Yeah, so I guess a word for the process was "anticlimactic".

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