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pixel games or high graphic games?

Posted by ekinnciikk


Forum: Games

I think pixel games really nice and feel nostalgic. And high graphic games are good too but I don't have a good computer that's why I can't play high graphic games :( Anyways... I crazy about games like Undertale or Stardew Valley. What are your thoughts? :3 

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Reply by munchlax


Different styles for different types of games, I wouldn't want celeste to be some incredibly high graphics game, but I also wouldn't want gta 6 to be 8 bit.

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Reply by Hache


graphics don't matter mostly (of course unless they make your eyes bleed or smth like that) the gameplay and plot are the most important parts

for example minecraft. everyone love it but not because of its cube styled graphics but because of its gameplay

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Reply by tea_errorrs 🕸🦇


i would rather have lower quality graphics than high quality graphics most the time. quite a few games use their high graphics as a selling point and neglect the things that matter such as the storyline and progression, also i think taht in nintendos case the charm that they once had in their games is lost. games are supposed to be an escape from reality so I'd rather it have a nice art style or unique looking characters!! :D love stardew valley and undertale, also wii and ds/3ds games

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Reply by Noelle Suplex


I prefer lower overall graphical quality. I wouldn't say "pixel graphics" but something around the PS3-era is when I think we kinda peaked. Everything after has been cool, I feel like it's a money sink. I'd rather those ballooning budgets get spread across multiple projects. Like, I'd gladly take 5 games that look "bad" graphically instead of a single Last of Us or God of War lmao.

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Reply by Spammer Lammy


I'm mostly a retro gamer so I tend to play pixelated and low-poly games a lot. I'm not sure I prefer it over more modern graphics though. I think it depends on the game. I've seen highly appealing graphics in both departments.

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Reply by Evangelia


For pixelated Souls like games Blasphemous is an awesome one. The mysterious medieval aesthetic and the boss fights are literally perfect in every aspect. The game is kinda hard to play but still a good experience. The mechanics are easy tho. You should definitely check it out. 

For other games, Mouthwashing, How fish are made, Yakuza and Death Stranding are really good options. Of course, there are also games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. One game that remained embedded in my memory is the one called "What remains of Edith Finch" which is a kinda phycological horror (idk)? And also Last Ember where you play as a soul that reincarnated as a wolf and you start finding out about your past life, the civilizations back then and all that.

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