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What to do if you lost yourself?

 I don't understand who I am, I don't know my qualities, I don't know my personality, I feel like an NPC, what should I do ? 

please,  help me, im wanna be myself...

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Reply by Hellga


Almost all of the younger generation suffers from this, and not just the younger generation.

I have seen people “become themselves”, start expressing themselves, doing what they want to do.

I am already over 30, I still have fear of society and difficulties in finding myself.

The dumbest but also the most truthful - just start doing something, try yourself in everything, figure yourself out.

Why dumb? Well, who will go after receiving such advice and start working on it? No one. It will come by itself, with time.

Perhaps I should not have described it, because you should not give advice in what you yourself are not perfect.

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