Proud to say I deleted my Tiktok account today. I'm embarrassed to
admit, but I seriously had an addiction to it for multiple years.
admit, but I seriously had an addiction to it for multiple years.
the past god knows how long, I've been trying to restrict my time on
Tiktok without deleting it fully, 'cause it seriously has some good shit
sometimes. But long story short I came to realize that's how they've
literally designed the app. Most of it's shit, and it makes you search
for good videos like a gambler putting more money to a machine, hoping
for a win.
the past god knows how long, I've been trying to restrict my time on
Tiktok without deleting it fully, 'cause it seriously has some good shit
sometimes. But long story short I came to realize that's how they've
literally designed the app. Most of it's shit, and it makes you search
for good videos like a gambler putting more money to a machine, hoping
for a win.
The restrictions didn't work either,
so I decided to just cut Tiktok out of my life completely. It's not
like i can't find all that useful information somewhere else on the
internet. :P
so I decided to just cut Tiktok out of my life completely. It's not
like i can't find all that useful information somewhere else on the
internet. :P
Only reason it took me this long
was because I decided to save all my favourite memes and useful life
hacks, recepies and shit like that, so I wouldn't feel regret. But today
I pressed that delete account button :-]
was because I decided to save all my favourite memes and useful life
hacks, recepies and shit like that, so I wouldn't feel regret. But today
I pressed that delete account button :-]
think it's kinda embarrassing to talk about this, having MF TIKTOK being
such a big deal. But idk. That was probably my worst enemy rn when it
comes to social media platforms. The other ones are a little easier to
deal with.
think it's kinda embarrassing to talk about this, having MF TIKTOK being
such a big deal. But idk. That was probably my worst enemy rn when it
comes to social media platforms. The other ones are a little easier to
deal with.

I'm not really sure what's next up on the list. I HATE Snapchat but I'm tied to it because my friends use it a lot :T
& Instagram aren't a problem. I use them maybe once a month each.
In one hand I wanna just delete both, since I barely use them
anyways. They kind of feel like dead weight on me. But in the other had
they're not a problem to me like I said. And my friends post on them
sometimes, so I might rly wanna use em at some point and get annoyed when I don't have an account anymore (this happened after i had deleted my Instagram account at one point)
& Instagram aren't a problem. I use them maybe once a month each.
In one hand I wanna just delete both, since I barely use them
anyways. They kind of feel like dead weight on me. But in the other had
they're not a problem to me like I said. And my friends post on them
sometimes, so I might rly wanna use em at some point and get annoyed when I don't have an account anymore (this happened after i had deleted my Instagram account at one point)
[Rant incoming]
Still, I FUCKING HATE INSTAGRAM SO MUCH!!! It keeps forcibly shoving random people and content that I don't give a fuck about on my face. When I log on Instagram I can only see ONE POST FROM MY FRIENDS on my home page before it starts shoving random short-form cat videos down my throat. The app is absolutely unusable to me. I can't stand it. And I can't understand how people still keep using it to this day. ...I guess I won't have to worry about that since I don't really use it anyways, but it still pains me that such a shit platform still stays so popular
Snapchat has the same problem. It keeps showing random unnecessary shit down my throat. On the right side of the app where you can see your friends' stories, why does it recommend you absolute stranger's stories to watch? And the bottom side of the screen is just filled with the most brainrotting short-form content you could imagine. LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT SHIT.
I really gotta figure out what I wanna do with all this. But until then. At least I got rid of Tiktok now.

It really is a slow process but I'm making some progress. Cheers to that