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Life Without Social Media

Hi everyone, I recently joined spacehey when I was recommended it by a friend, currently I'm looking for ways to stay up to date with what's going on in the world without social media, as well as staying in contact with friends. I want to be able to de-centre social media especially tik tok from my everyday.

Currently social media is my main source of information on politics and current affairs, I read articles by journalists I support and trust but I find them through social media. For issues like the Palestinian genocide or what's going on in Congo how can I keep myself educated and updated when main stream news sites like the BBC or SkyNews either don't cover these issues or produce biased content? I'd love to hear some suggestions as this is the biggest reason I've faced with not deleting tik tok.

For staying in contact with friends I'm curious to hear peoples experiences after deleting social media, I find platforms like instagram mean I can keep in contact with people I haven't seen in years by responding to stories etc, I want to be able to keep doing this but without the mind-numbing instagram reels. Any suggestions?

Thanks for taking the time to read, if you'd like msg me and we can chat!!

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5 Replies

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Reply by Virtual Insanity


Maybe get yourself a shortwave radio and check out broadcasts from other countries for a variety of perspectives?  Many have shows in English.  There can be interference from modern electronics, especially indoors, so don't expect the same clarity as FM.  If you want to try it out for exactly zero money use someone else's radio! - http://websdr.org/

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Reply by Extraordinarygirlxx


Ummm...let's see You can see tv shows,noticiaries Or you can buy magazines and newspapers ;D

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Reply by Ren


okay so about the politics, I use an app called ground news which brings news from multiple sources and tell you if it leans to right to left or just neutral, I barely use it because I am not interested in politics, you can see news from tv but these days I have discovered that some tv news channels are biased to the fact that they will mislead or hide facts from you.

about my experience with leaving social media, I felt sane, I can no longer look at the negative energy that I have seen quite alot on twitter, I only use discord (since my friends are there and they have no other way of contact) that's pretty much it, I use spacehey to engage with people and share interests with them, I noticed that I have been not so active daily on this platform because I have been busy with schools and I thought to myself, if I kept waiting for notifications on spacehey, that would be time wasting, so I took matters to my own hand and started to find some ways to learn how my brain works and how can I minimalize my ADHD, Unfortuantely I couldn't succeed in concentrating but I managed to fix what I have, atleast what I can say is that I barely use social media now (except for youtube because there's educational videos there that I need to watch) and I only use discord for now on, if my friends decided to switch to telegram, that would be a great opportunity.

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Reply by spring


for news related stuff i use groundnews. someone else mentioned it, its far from perfect but i think at least for me theres more variety in the kind of articles i see when compared to other sources.

i quit all the 'main' social media apps and sites a few weeks ago. i honestly found it...not that bad to do?? i thought itd be worse but everyone adapted pretty fast imo. i got some messages asking if i deleted my accounts and i said yes, sometimes people wanted to know why, so i explained. and then after that we basically just texted with phone numbers rather than dms or anything fancy social media has.

tbh sometimes i feel a little behind on the goings-on in the world but the important stuff always gets to me within a few days. like my friends care about the same issues as me and theyll tell me about stuff if i missed it on instagram or whatever.

i think youll be fine. youll likely get a few questions about quitting but others will find other ways to stay in touch with you pretty quickly :)

(and if you dont like sharing phone #, you can use a second phone # on whatsapp with a service like google voice!!)

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Reply by Mirusas_Shiru


Yooo I'm so happy I'm not the only one who's feeling this way! Heck yeah, it's really nice finding people in a similar position as me.

Personally, deleting social media meant losing contact with a lot of people. The ones who genuinely cared adjusted while the rest just didn't really seem to care. I think deleting social media can be both really freeing in the sense that you know there's people who care, but also extremely isolating if your social circle isn't that big. 

I feel like it's super tough personally since I moved to another country recently and don't know many people. It's hard finding yourself, especially without the ease of online connectivity and quickly hitting someone up on FB. Idk, I guess I like keeping the real ones on WhatsApp or whatever a lot more than having the big main social media platforms. 

That being said though, I have gotten awfully doom scrolling addicted to Twitter lately. I've been considering just listening to the radio instead of scrolling on Twitter. It's kind of like news, but less doomsday-ish lol. Plus sometimes there's music in between which is super neat.

I dunno, I just hope I'm able to find a healthy medium here and I'm happy I'm not the only one wanting to reject the big main. It can feel really intimidating just being one person though

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