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most impactful emerging tech

Posted by robocide


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

been thinking about this a lot lately: what emerging technology do you think will have the biggest impact on our daily lives in the next 5 years?

i think it’s crypto 🫣

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Reply by NosyCat


Newsflash: crypto has been dead for years now. NFTs and the "metaverse" have come and go in the mean time. The grift-du-jour is generative AI, and already everyone can't wait for that bubble to burst, too.

Never mind that the most important trends in coming years won't be in tech. If you want tech that matters? Look at renewable energy, or cheap / low-power desalination. That sort of thing is what's going to matter.

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Reply by munchlax


The obvious (and most likely) answer is generative ai. Of course it will probably experience a collapse similar to the .com bubble, but with the massive impact that it has already had, I really cannot see it going away.

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