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Whats the freakiest thing you have done? totally mental

Posted by Abomination


Forum: Life

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Reply by rockerfoo


in kindergarten i was sitting in the time out chair and my teacher wouldn't let me go to the restroom. i had to go really bad so i just got up and started pissing on the chair like it was the toilet.

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This isn't my story but I felt like it fitted this topic. This is my telling of the story he told me. (I also was there that day and saw him go behind the shed.)

//Trigger warning for feces and attempted eating feces//

I had a friend in kindergarten who was an interesting fellow, he was one of those kids who just ate anything he could get his hands on. Anyways, one day he needed to use the restroom but there was already someone using it. But he needed to go REALLY bad, so he went out to the very back of the playground and behind a shed. (In my school there was a weird shed in the back that was shrouded in bamboo so no one could see you if you went back there.) So he went back there and did his business, in his hands. He then proceeded to STUFF THE TURBS IN HIS POCKETS and walk back to the supervised playground like nothing had happened---I have no clue how the administrators didn't notice how he reeked of shit but whatever. 

He then went home, and put it in the freezer, he said that he thought he had received a 'gift from the gods' (chocolate from his ass) and wanted to make a chocolate popsicle. His mother ended up finding it and was absolutely appalled and threw it away---thank god he didn't consume it. 

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