Do Everything
I would kill a snake for you
i would kill a army!
would kill murders!
i would
buy a farm
i would buy a
i would buy a
i would buy your love for you love me
I would do everything for you
i want to meet you again,this desire not stop,he does't matter
for me only
you exist,Only you...
This sad that
Don't exist
Love spell
i would make one for Have you
i would give love potions
just for You look at me
You kiss
me in the dreams
but when i wake up you
me and makes me bleed
my heart bleeds
i want a photo
of you
i want a hug
i want to say hi with happiness and you
Happily say back
They say for me stop,But i know your bad side,but boy you have the magic touch
i loved you like brother inside that place
but outside Something
i want To meet you again
i want to create new moments
Fuck if they are of love or of pain
Sometimes i sit and look
to the sky You are in the sky
the Screaming
silence on my throat is apparent
Fake to everyone,soo real for me
I Lie for maintain my image from virgin-for-love
That i have.
why do you don't call me? me?
Or just betrayed me again?
are soo vail and liar
we don't are the same
I am worse than you
i live in a theater
why i am living this way...?
This not better scream to the world that i am in love alone?..