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Bored? Have Arab heritage? Help me make a zine!

Posted by zainab


Forum: Quiz/Survey

Hello everyone! I've been posting this in different places for responses, I'm not sure if the forum spot is a better place to put this, so I am putting it here.

I am currently in a Book Design class for my major, Communication Design.

I am a Yemeni American who is really interested in representing our region and other Arab countries in what I design, so I decided to make a post here to seek out other Arab spacehey users to gather information and/or photos!

Here is the assignment brief, to elaborate on the project, collected on imgur so it doesn't take up too much space here. https://imgur.com/a/kcYnYNH Here is the imgur album link if you would prefer to access it there!

Here is what I am planning my project around!

Book Collection Idea: Arab countries through personal lens as residents of that country

  • Concept/Book/Pamphlet 1: Family recipes interspersed with photos of the foods
  • Concept/Book/Pamphlet 2: Family photos, significant memories of moments or events
  • Concept/Book/Pamphlet 3: Homes, Scenery, etc and the memories tied to them
  • Concept/Book/Pamphlet 4: Personal Interviews interspersed between personal photos or memories

I am looking for original photos taken from the point of view of the person I am interviewing, a side of daily life that isn’t seen on the internet or easily searchable online. Writing or feeling with emotion rather than news articles or distanced research. Preferably good quality photos.

I am looking for original photos taken from the point of view of the person I am interviewing, a side of daily life that isn’t seen on the internet or easily searchable online. Writing or feeling with emotion rather than news articles or distanced research. Preferably good quality photos.

These photos will be put together in a collection of short, self-published and bound magazine, also known as a "zine". I thank you for your help!

Certain questions and images are optional - if you do not want to upload any feel free to skip. Each image upload is up to 10 images.

Here is the link to the survey if you would like to fill it out!


So far, these are the countries I am considering for my book series, though if you are from anywhere else in what is categorized as the Arab world and would like to pitch in for my concepts, it would be greatly appreciated!

  • Personal family from Yemen
  • Palestine
  • Egypt


  • Cultural artifacts or items
  • Signage - signs for shops, streets, homes, billboards, et cetera
  • Religious monuments if allowed to photograph
  • Slang or phrases/euphemisms depending on country by country
  • Graffiti ?
  • Design/architecture in your home country
  • Every day objects in life, like tea sets, perfume, et cetera. Maybe even what is in your bag or your favorite item?


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2 Replies

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Reply by furhad


jordanian here, feel free to message me for help

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Reply by jo


syrian! shoot me a message

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