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is this group still alive?

This might be a stupid question from me since the bulletin board is active and all but I never really saw people making new forums now, top forums are just from 2 years ago, I am concerned, is anyone still active or am I just.. you know not seeing it?

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Reply by NosyCat


This group is the most alive on SpaceHey, far as I can tell. Not sure why people make bulletins (which expire) instead of permanent forum posts. Sometimes it's not clear which one is more appropriate, but either way, people are still talking here for a change.

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Reply by Ren


funny thing tho is that I see alot of people who replied in top forums on this group didn't really touch this website after, each account I see is "last active: 2 years ago", it's becoming more concerning now

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Reply by Skye


generally, people don't come here to stay- they look at things, say "cool", and leave. given anyone who ends up here has an interest in "old internet" and this group is at/near the top, they're bound to enter it, send a comment/reply, and disappear. it sucks, but that's just how it goes. it also doesn't help activity that there isn't a "group hub" or similar that shows recent group forums/bulletins similar to the friend bulletin board on the home page, as that would also be quite useful! and pertaining to smaller groups, there's always around 3-10 different groups for each thing. why are there 10 different helluva boss groups with practically no members? because they weren't on the immediate front page, so someone made a new one. there's a lot of issues i have with groups, and i've rambled far too long.

 with the bulletin/forums, bulletins are for intros/jokes and forums are for discussion.

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Reply by Virtual Insanity


I'm still active here!

I think it would be a big improvement if forum threads were ordered by most recent activity rather than most recently created so that threads which are still active don't die because they rolled off the first page, replaced by numerous pointless threads which die instantly with few replies.

Given the state of moderation though, I wonder if it would be good to make another group like this but have a handful of moderators to make sure it's kept tidy and not abandoned (from moderation) like this group currently is.

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Reply by LovelyCorpse


I often lurk in this group but don't know how to contribute.  I wish groups with activity would get a bump, but also that could mean spammers/bots clogging it up.  :(

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Reply by Mylo Rolfe Author


I pop in from time to time. Hello!

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Reply by Ina


I check this group from time to time to see if there's a new entry.

I try my best to give people complex answers about the topics they're discussing that are relevant to the group.

But you can always click to see the most recent posts, and even the most recent replies, because there's a button for that.

But like some users here, this should be more organized.

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Reply by ethan (taylor's version)


it makes me so sad, i'm apart of quite a few older groups from 2-3 years ago and most of them are completely dead! people seem to come and go on here and it really sucks!! people say they want the 2000s back, but when given a the opportunity, don't take it. they look it up and down like a pretty person then turn and leave. it's with so much of 2000s culture now a-days, people love flip phones! but hate they don't have spotify...so they love iPods! but don't want to deal with syncing music...people love digital cameras! but hate downloading the photos...people love the clothing! but hate when they're told brand new SHEIN clothing doesn't count... its so disappointing...

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Reply by Echo


I was thinking the exact same thing too. I had a week of nonstop work that left me completely tired and I had no energy to go on this site, and eventually I forgot about it. Maybe it's like that for most people on this site? Life gets too busy and eventually they move on? Idk, but hopefully we see some more activity on spacehey in general.

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Reply by Virtual Insanity


I see there is a Spacehey app.  I assume the app can give notifications which remind people about Spacehey's existence.  I wonder how many users (not bots) use that versus using the browser.

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Reply by りん5


I was one of those people who joined (spacehey) and checked in daily for at least a month or so, but then lost interest when no one interacted with me and all I ever saw was others spamming bulletins. Now I'm back and so far I think it's a little better... 

But I also think it's sad that a lot of people turn inactive after a while. Now were at 1 million users, but how many of them are actually on here daily? 

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Reply by NosyCat


Yeah, there's a SpaceHey app! It was widely advertised a while ago, since it took up so much of the site's development effort. Dunno how it works though. The site is good enough in mobile browsers.

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Reply by Albi Elle


Reply by Midijunkie64


Its understandable that this site isn't updated that often, like, Its only got 1 developer and he's focusing on improving the mobile app (wich is understandable).
But the problems its got have been here for years and I believe thats why people are leaving, there's just not that much incentive to stay in the first place.
What's the point of celebrating the 1M users if most of them have left just as soon as they came here?
I love this site, but at this rate I'm afraid It's gonna flop.

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Reply by Scruffy_Cord


idk But I Like That Chococat Pfp :)

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