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most evil thing you personally have done

Posted by uncle steve


Forum: Quiz/Survey

hey guys its me from evil gang here just wondering what the most evil thing you've done is :) thank u 4 taking the time to read this and i hope u have a great rest of your day <3 

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Reply by Castillo<3


Not too evil, but I once started a rumor about a "friend" of mine that she had a std so that she would stop having s3x with random guys and actually pay attention to her boyfriend. 

Keep in mind this friend had spread a rumor about me previously that I was a hoe so I say it was granted.

Also I'm a klepto but bahh

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Reply by death from above


well for one when i was little (4 or 5) our apartment staircase got an ant infestation once, and i instinctively started stomping them out before my grandma stopped me and told me i had to respect all living beings with respect, no matter how small. its maybe kind of funny seeing as the exterminator most likely killed them anyway because theyre "just ants"

arround the same age i hit a younger kid because he was annoying me and i hurt him kind of badly i think

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