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Have you ever noticed that most 90s babies are actually 2000s kids?

Posted by JossArtie


Forum: 90s Kids Group

for starters i was born in 95,

i cant speak for everyone but while growing up and hearing about how the 90s were so cool by older friends and family, i always considered myself a 90s kid just for being born in the 90s, even tho most stuff they felt nostalgic for didnt really quite had the same effect on me and sometimes i even forced myself to know about it even tho i didnt feel that related to it.

now i can see that my feeling about it was because in reality im a 2000s kid, very little of my childhood was spent during the 90s and i almost cant remember anything about it. sure i watched a lot of 90s cartoons when i was a kid (and maybe thats why i felt somewhat related to the 90s) but they were mostly just reruns. 

does anyone else feel this way?

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Reply by Z13Z13


this is so real!! i was born a few years after you and have been 'a 90s kid' since then but it's weird considering my childhood was the 00s!!

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