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pls give advice to a baby bat idk what im doing!!

Posted by shiv


Forum: Goth Group

heyy, i just recently have become more interested in goth subculture and i have decided i would like to become goth myself!!

at the moment i would love some goth music recommendations as my goth playlist is pretty small at the moment.

i would also like advice on how to handle people reacting to my change in style. i already dress quite alternatively but i would like to start dressing more goth and i kind of wanna wear skirts again which i haven't worn in year so any advice on trying to explain things to people around me is highly appreciated.

lastly, this is mainly for goths living in ireland, where do ye get makeup, because im struggling to find things like white foundation!!

those are all the questions i have for now, any other advice is also greatly appreciated!!

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Reply by Feannag


cranky goth posers has a song of the day on youtube, and full tracks to find new bands in the main episodes

look up playlists on spotify and youtube

Why do you need to explain anything to anyone?

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Reply by AcidAconite


HIIIII im also a baby bat (in a way) and ive also been leaning into goth a lot more recently !

Some goth recs I have so far!!

Cocteau Twins- I love them because they are essentially shoegaze and mystical and I love it, ur not gonna have a clue what their saying, but they dont either so it's more of a listen than a sing-along ToT

Nine inch nails- is more industrial, you might know "Closer" is lyrically and musically so good, my fav album is "The Fragile", it got me through a hard time, that kinda vibe

Siouxsie and the Banshees- SO GOOD this was my gateway i like all albums equally

London after midnight- so good and mysterious and power and yum

Adam and the Ants- album "Dirk Wears White Sox" has a new wave-ish vibe to it !

The Cure,, id just listen to find out if you like them or not, some ppl dont some ppl do, I only have a few of their songs, I personally like their older songs more !

She wants revenge- listen to their self titled album pls, its super freaky yes but its amazeballs

Killing Joke- new wave-ish, longer songs

Joy division- STAPLE,, def listen

Bauhaus- Bauhaus

Echo & The Bunnymen- I have some of their songs, but lots of goths love them

On the advice part, I'm a bit confused bc why do u need to explain ur self-expression? (NOT TRYING TO COME OFF MEAN IM GEN ASKING) The best explanation i can think of for you in this situation is that you are just becoming more in tune with yourself, you love this for ur own reasons, being more who u are! ppl should appreciate you because of that. 

For makeup,, ive heard that the sunset makeup white foundation is pretty good, i think imma start using it ! For eyelinerrrrr, im not 100% sure, id rec getting a brush and a pallete that you can wet so you can get sharper lines with the brush!!

 ALSO im in US but im pretty sure this can be bought online ! 

Also, emphasis on the you do NOT need to explain yourself to people, whats there to explain? You're just being who you are and if they have "something to say" then pls run.

Hope some of this helps sorta I HOPE U WEAR THOSE SKIRTSS <333

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