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How do you get inspired to draw? o.o

i'm not creative -n-

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Reply by cementerio_tamagochi


it depends a lot on what you wanna draw

for me, when i want to get inspiration to write a new song but i just can't find any inspiration, i take a walk, watch a movie or read a book, that's something that always help

you can look for inspiration on other artist's work and put your own style and personality on it c:

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Reply by Queen


I mostly draw faces so I tend to look at portraits on pinterest, you can also draw your favorite characters from shows as you'll be more enthusiastic about them, so you would have more motivation! And definitely don't force yourself to draw, you don't have to practice when you don't feel like it, usually the best pieces come to life when you randomly draw. When I was in school I would always sketch on test papers when I was bored and they always looked interesting. However, when I'm at home and want to improve my drawing it isn't the same. Good luck!!

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Reply by ☆ strawberry don!!


i usually look at others people art, listen to music, find old art i might want to redraw. finding inspiration is complicated for me, i sometimes dont know what got me inspired. you can also do line excercises and some ideas may come on themselves. good luck!!!

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Reply by Fro


Not a artist, but I do enjoy writing.
The best way to ever get motivation for the arts is simply just to consume media made by other people, you'll find something cool you wanna do your own spin on and thus create your own variation.
Nothing is original, everything has been done, all that's left is to sample songs and remix till the heat death of the universe.

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Reply by Anisa Mazaki


My inspirations usually come from whatever I dream about, nature, anime, gamesplays, movies, whatever pics I see online etc that sparks/ triggers me to having ideas. Music sometimes too. Even having a convo with someone can spark an idea if you ask yourself what it would look like in a drawing format. It's the little things that does it for me really.

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