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Introductions! [pinned]

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♫♪ Pronouns:


♫♪ Age (Optional, but you must say if you're a minor or not.):


♫♪ Somethings you'd like to talk about:


So glad to have you here!

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5 Replies

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Reply by space.station


 Name: space.station, sam, space, idm

♫♪ Pronouns: he/him

 Country/Timezone: US/EST

♫♪ Age (Optional, but you must say if you're a minor or not.): 16

 Interests/Hobbies: drawing, gaming, horror media, music!!

♫♪ Somethings you'd like to talk about: oingo boingo, system of a down, survival horror

 Extra: i'm trying to get more into oingo boingo, in all honesty

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Reply by Cr0wsM00n


 Name: Crow

♫♪ Pronouns: He/Him

 Country/Timezone: EST

♫♪ Age (Optional, but you must say if you're a minor or not.): Minor

 Interests/Hobbies: I enjoy drawing, gaming, doom scrolling on Instagram and messing with friends

♫♪ Somethings you'd like to talk about: Anything tbh!

 Extra: im ur new stepdad

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Reply by 𝕮 𝟎 𝕷 𝕿 𝟕 𝟎 𝕹


 Name: Colton/Colt

♫♪ Pronouns: He/They/It

 Country/Timezone: US / EST

♫♪ Age (Optional, but you must say if you're a minor or not.): 17

 Interests/Hobbies: Music, roblox, art, crafts, minecraft, undertale, invader zim, sharks

♫♪ Somethings you'd like to talk about: Anything, really! Oingo Boingo, other music, games, movies, animals, medical stuff , art, etc

 Extra: I love this silly website

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Reply by Max


 Name: Max

♫♪ Pronouns: he/him

 Country/Timezone: US/EST

♫♪ Age (Optional, but you must say if you're a minor or not.): 16

 Interests/Hobbies: Minecraft, Stardew Valley, playing guitar, Oingo Boingo (obv), AND I LOVE GREEN DAY RAHHHHH 

♫♪ Somethings you'd like to talk about: basically anything that interests me

 Extra: ur mom

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Reply by Izzy


 Name: Izzy

♫♪ Pronouns: he/they/she, no preference

 Country/Timezone: United States / EST

♫♪ Age (Optional, but you must say if you're a minor or not.): 17

 Interests/Hobbies: Check my profile, I forgot

♫♪ Somethings you'd like to talk about: This whole YouTube Oingo Boingo archive channel

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