Idk if this is what you're looking for but I keep the general rule of be as metaphorical and dramatic as possible but keep tone in mind. Like what effect are you hoping to achieve with the prose? Don't write prose simply for the sake of it, that just ends in boring longwinded writing. Instead take the tone and atmosphere into consideration.
For example:
A pale man wearing sunglasses looked down at me (normal ver)
A bone white figure stared me down through obsidian black sunglasses, his eyes glassy and dead (Somewhat unnerving/horror book ver)
He towered over me, his eyes looking down at mine through secretive glasses and his complexion the colour of soft fluffy clouds (Romance book ver)
Basically, know what is the main feeling you're trying to convey like in the examples I gave (which were hopefully helpful). Also try to be as specific as possible. It's easier to write prose when it mentions very specific stuff e.g. 'Pale' VS 'Bone white' . Bone white is much more specific than pale as pale us broad enough that it can mean different things to different people. But everyone collectively agrees on what Bone white means.
Anyways hope this helped at least a bit