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Bakugan vestos format

Lol just when you think you've found all of the formats nope anyways here's another format for you guys to try this one is based on the second half of battle brawlers

format type-

 this is legacy it is 2 players although theres nothing stopping you from adding more i guess


this is a bit hard to figure out as the deck is much more undefined in this format but here is my best interpretation bakugan 1-12 players do not have to have the same number of bakugan you can have only 1 trap or battle gear gate cards 15 and ability cards also 15

hand/set up/drawing rules

This is one of the more unique parts of this format if you notice you have an ability card deck equal the size of the gate card deck the size of these decks is chosen based on number of expected turns the starting hand will be 3 gate cards and 1 ability card you will have 3 gate cards at all times however the number of ability cards may be infinite (or taking the deck limit into consideration 15) when the game starts instead of both players placing a card on the field only the turn player sets a gate card due to it being the first turn that player must play a gate card same applies if there is no set gate card at the beginning of a players turn any number of ability cards may be played during a turn but you'll want to be careful about using  them pointlessly at the beginning of the game at the beginning of the turn a player draws a gatecard if they have less than 3 in their hand (unless impossible though the chances of that are slim) and 1 ability card (1+1=2 you can see why you want to be sparing with these early game problem is this format has short games) 

extra rulings

if both players have no usable bakugan because they are all on the field each player chooses 1 of their own bakugan to return to their unused pile from the field this counts as moving a bakugan from the used to unused pile if a player has no unusable bakugan and bakugan in their used pile at the start of the turn all used bakugan are balled up and returned to the unused pile

win con-

Another unique part of this game you have life points each player begins with 500 life points the goal of this format is to reduce your opponents life points to 0


Alright so since this format doesn't involve capturing gate cards used gate cards will go into a used pile given this format is a life point based format you must be wandering how you reduce your opponents life points and this is actually as a result of what would normally be winning a gatecard the damage done to your opponent is based on the difference in power between your opponents and your own bakugan the only other unique ruling you need to know about this format is that double stand is no longer a thing (although it may as well be) when 2 bakugan  belonging to the same player land on the same card their power is added togeather and treated as 1 bakugan both still have their bonuses applied so having 2 bakugan on the same gatecard is a huge advantage in this format other than these differences this format still plays the same as battle brawlers 

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