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Downloading Youtube videos with multiple audio tracks

The downloader I use (called 4K Video Downloader) from my knowledge does not give me the option to select which audio track I want, which may end up giving me an audio track I don't want. 

How do I get the audio track I want when downloading?

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Reply by Җ. Энхтөлдөр


I think I may be misreading the question:
For audio, you are just using official music video to download, yes?

you can download one song at a time. 

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Reply by Jammer439y8


I am sorry, but I don't think that is what I meant. 

I meant that some videos have their audio available in other languages, but my downloader does not give me the option to choose audio tracks. What I am asking is, how do I download a video with the right audio track I want.

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