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Posted by Maya


Forum: Art and Photography


heyyy so i just started doing art with clay and so far i have done>

-a x o x o game

-a mini cake

-a mini canvas

-a letter trinket 

but all so far have been mini or tiny .

the only big project with clay that i did that was big is the x o x o one but that has cracks and more keep appearing each day.

for my next project i want to do this<

12 Clay crafting ideas in 2024 | clay crafts air dry, clay diy projects,  diy clay crafts


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the second one i think i can do but does anyone have any tips to stop the cracks from appearing or for the thing to crumbel

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8 Replies

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Reply by J1G0 (`ー´)ノ


what kind of clay are you using? i dont know much about clay, but i’ll try my best to help (‘-‘*ゞ

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Reply by Maya


i am using air dry clay

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Reply by J1G0 (`ー´)ノ


hmmmm, ive only used air dry clay a few times 「( • ヘ •) but i find that i always use too much water when trying to soften the clay, which causes huge cracks during the drying process so being mindful of your water usage could be helpful. i also find that keeping the clay at a consistent thickness at most parts also helps (like not to thin or thick), oh and using slip to join pieces together ദ്ദി(•ᴗ• ) hope this helpsss

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Reply by Maya


tyysm i will keep that in mind!!!

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Reply by cherri corpse


it generally depends on the sorta clay u use. i'd reccommend polymer clays (you gotta bake it tho)

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Reply by Maya


oki i will try polymer clay thx

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Reply by Maya


oki i will try polymer clay thx

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Reply by AstralAnomaly


The thing that makes air dry clay crack is different parts of the clay drying at different speeds. Try to make a base shape out of aluminium foil and then put the clay as evenly as you can on top. Be mindful of how much water you use. Sometimes I just add some more clay into the cracks and try to connect it by dampening it but I have had mixed results with that.

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