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how do i find better goth clothes ! ?

i LOVE going thrifting but many times for music and clothes but many time i cant find much nice clothes like i see other people. WHAT IS YOUR SECRET!!??

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Reply by J1G0 (`ー´)ノ


i feel like its super hard to find good gothic pieces at thrift stores (´∀`;) my best advice would be to find goth-esque pieces and accessorize them to create your desired look. you could also try finding more curated pieces on websites like depop or poshmark that sell second-hand clothes, but the prices are usually much higher than what you would find at a thrift store… hope this helps, gl with the styling !! ٩>ᴗ<)و

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Reply by Sikkl1


Now i know this is gonna sound repetitive as hell but thrifting and DIY is the best way you can find goth clothing.

Its as easy as finding a floor length skirt, a black button up, a corset, and some accessories or makeup to finish the look. 

Goths didn't have stores or outlets to buy from, so they resorted to making it themselves. 

And being anti-waste and anti-consumerist is a huge part of goth culture so ya DIY, sewing and thrifting is the best you can do. 

Sorry for the massive yap session (lololol) 


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