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How many *active* SpaceHey members are there?

As much as this site likes to advertise the fact that there are 900,000 members (as of writing), how many of those are actually real? Or active? If there really were 900,000 people here, you'd expect groups on this site to have thousands of members, yet the most popular group (Rawring 20s) only has 19,000. What's going on here?

Well, the simple answer is that there are literally thousands of accounts on here that aren't active at all. Some of them are strange brand accounts that some bot or some random social media intern created, such as (https://spacehey.com/sanxnetshop) and (https://spacehey.com/profile?id=2588205). There are also accounts that were created to clog up the front page, which I wrote about (https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=1096735). And even still, there are accounts that were made by people who saw SpaceHey as nothing more than a gimmick, a toy to play with for a few hours before going back to TikTok or Twitter after realising they won't get an instant dopamine hit here.

It seems like an account on SpaceHey that doesn't go inactive after a few days is rare. If you're one of them, you're literally a beacon of light in a void of dead accounts.

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12 Replies

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Reply by Skye


Would SpaceHey deleting inactive accounts be a good idea? I've seen some accounts come back from the brink of 5 months inactive, but... Maybe the cutoff could be 6 months, with an email warning at 5?

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Reply by Firebrand


well there are actually 2.7 MILLION accounts, and only about like 40-50k are active (by active i mean users who log in at least 5 times a week)

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Reply by NosyCat


Dunno, I see real activity all the time. It's slow, but we like it slow, that's the whole point. All social media services have this problem. You can simply ignore inactive users, after all.

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Reply by _x3m0_


Reply by Kris


yep ... this is true of any social media platform but i agree with the people putting the spacehey toy down once they start craving the dopamine again. Guilty!! but luckily we can come back and realize the value of slow stuff like this, like i did :)

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Reply by theangel


A lot of people make Spacehey accounts and then forget about them the next day. I've had this problem with literally everybody I've shown this site to. It sucks, but I get the feeling that the inflated userbase number might be more because of that than a whole bunch of bots/spammers.

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Reply by Нюняя


I am amazed by the number of bots on social networks and that is why I am starting to study this topic and how quickly bots break into the network under the guise of people. Now I am looking for information on forums, because there is not a word about this on the Internet. I hope that all this will end someday.

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Reply by LovelyCorpse


I am real. As for active, I've only been here for a little bit but have been on everyday I think.

 I've been looking for "My place" on the internet world which now that I'm writing this out sounds a little silly.

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Reply by hello! :]


REAL i hope the site doesn't die anytime soon, it's such a specific place to be at and i rlly love bein here :(

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Reply by Ronnie In Reverse


I was guilty of the "logging in once and then leaving forever for 2 years" trope lol WHOOPS but im much more active now, and i'm trying to stray away from TT and insta they should delete inactive accs after like 9-12 months of inactivity i think

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Reply by Ina


I'm real, thankfully.
But let us be reasonable here. Some people are not always active because they have lives. But I understand your point...

It's mostly about forgetting or not getting that sugar rush.

There are people who don't really use groups or forums. It depends on how they like to use the site. But I do see a lot of people writing blogs and commenting on them. I just wish people would interact more. T-T

I feel like the most nagging person around here, a bit like a scavenger for blog entries, forum posts and bulletins. :V

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Reply by keytars_forever


If you're one of them, you're literally a beacon of light in a void of dead accounts.

Yes, and I like it that way. It's the internet version of visiting a liminal space. It's peaceful and quiet. :D

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