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What kind of hobbies do you have?

Posted by Marblechalk


Forum: Life

I wanna learn more about people and maybe get to try out sth new yk, I do art and music as a hobby, i don't relly create any songs myself but i can play like 3 and a half instruments so that's something lol

I have tried crocheting before and it can be fun if you get the hang of it, unfortunately I had very little patience for that lmao

I also tried to learn languages as a hobby and uhh I ride my bike on the evenings ig that counts kinda lol

And I play games in my laptop sometimes lol


Tell me what hobbies you do

Maybe we can find something in common or maybe  I can find sth new to do  !!!

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1 Reply

Reply by BadBoy xD 🇧🇷


I used to draw a lot, but I stopped when I was growing up. Nowadays, if I try to draw or paint, I just get stressed out, but my psychologist recommended that I go back to it, and that getting stressed out is normal.

I used to take piano lessons, but it's not something I really practiced. I'm thinking about selling it, since I don't even use it.

I bought a skateboard when I was young, but I never really used it either (part of that comes from the guilt of my mother not letting me leave the house).

I crochet, I made a Hello Kitty hat and I love her, I wanted to do other things, but I don't have money to buy crochet thread.

I listen to a lot of music, even when I sleep.

And... I think that's it. I also have a bike, but I barely leave the house. It was new, but because I left it lying around without using it, it rusted...

I don't have the patience to play games or watch movies, cartoons, anime, series, anything anymore.

My life is depressing.

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