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does anybody remember/know OFF?

Posted by 「 rowen 」


Forum: Games

it's really hard to find a fellow OFF (mortis ghost) fan, since it was released in 2008 (though it didn't get an english translation until 2011)

i've been an OFF fan for about 2 years (since i was ~11) (and its actually how i met one of my best friends, thats a fact no one asked for)

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Reply by N3oh0ur


i never played it but i know it LMAO, i saw it on yt (not the whole game just like the chapter one i think(?))

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Reply by 注射


kinda liked off, but didn't like its community :(

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Reply by vvr


i really adore OFF, i havent played it since high school but its definitely one of those games that sticks with u. the puzzles are kinda shit but thats pretty workaround-able with some rlly excellent walkthrus imo.

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