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favorite odd future member?

i'll start, since i opened the thread..

i'm thinking earl or domo. i've heard the most out of earl, i'm missing out on his 2 most recent albums though. he's good at doing edgy music as well as intricate. meanwhile for domo, he's always been pretty normal with just a tinge of weirdness. 

i'm also gonna venture to say that the reason why domo and mike g were viewed as bigger prospects back then was because they're the most normal non-producers out of OF. and knowing what we know NOW, the abnormality, slight or overt, out of most of odd future is WHY they succeed and why they did so well. cause' nobody actually minded the abnormality that much other than old people who weren't likely to give them a chance anyway. 

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Reply by ritz


think thats the reason everyone was hyping mike g up on oldie -- cause he the cool one and everyone else doing their own thing, BUT by being different odd future changed the mainstream steada just falling back on domo n mike who would already be expected to be in the zeitgeist of rap at the time

but yeah they awes

my favorites always been matt martians and everyone else involved in his shit, like syd

for me i just felt like his mixing and production and actual musical knowledge on the stuff in the back always been half a step higher than everyone else in the group making beats and syd's vocals are just SO damn buttery catchy as fuck too its like you listening to alien music

matt definitely added sum variation to the group too, like if you told your mama you listen to odd future atleast you could play it safe with one part, being syd n matt (not that cocaine video though gay as fuck)

in terms of rap shit definitely go to earl for me, he got cool beats under randomblackguy but his lyricism take the cake i love his syllable heavy approach so much nerdplay to unpack in his stuff he is cracked 
"choke up on the slugger from home run-ins" fucking crazy how he can fit like 4 meanings into some tiny ass sentence

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Reply by freezerburnz99


my mom has listened to earl by earl and even though she thought it was fuckin weird (fair enough i suppose) she liked it a lot more than super 3 / jaot

maybe that's cause for concern 

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Reply by ritz


maybe she just cool like that

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Reply by mcki_mckphink


I loooove jasper syd and tyler. 

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