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We can all agree that the mid 2000s were the peak of FPS games, right?

Posted by Bottle O' Glue


Forum: Games

I mean, we got HλLF-LIFE², DOOM³, Far-Cry, Prey, F.E.A.R., Quake 4, Halo 2, and a whole host of other heavy hitters

the art style of most of these is probably my favorite of any video game (video that explains "the art style")

a lot of the best of those games were very well written

and the gameplay holds up to this very day

DOOM³ is probably my favorite DOOM game

HλLF-LIFE² is literally perfect

Quake 4 is... the only Quake I've played

and F.E.A.R. has an amazing aesthetic (yes, I know it's just the 2000s greys, but idc) and it has one of the best shotguns EVER 

and Prey has that awesome intro

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Reply by the wizard


i think the main thing, at least as far as multiplayer is concerned is that community run servers were a thing and so was modding so you had way more variety and games lasted longer. niche communities could exist and games weren't planned to be made obsolete in a few years to make room for a sequel. the whole ecosystem was so much better. 20+ player matches instead of 6 and a more laid back feel instead of everything trying so hard to be a competitive e-sport.

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Reply by Bottle O' Glue


Perhaps, but I never played any of these games online and I've always considered the single player part of games over the multi-player. I never engaged too much with mods either. Although, I agree with you regarding the planned obsolescence of games and the niche communities.

Thanks for your reply :]

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