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Non-English Music?

Looking for new music in languages other than english, any recommendations?

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Reply by Tobster


I can recommend you some russian speaking musicians: "Синекдоха Монток", "Гр. Полухутенко", "Fleur", "ПТИЦУ ЕМЪ", "Созвездие Отрезок", "Порез На Собаке" and etc. They all different from each other!

And I can reccomend you midwest emo group (I think they from Argentina not sure) "mis sueños" (you can find on youtube: "mis sueños son de tu adiós - 2020/21 comp. [full album]").

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Reply by absent


You should definitely check out Souly and absent! It´s like german trap I guess???

anyways these are my favorite songs of them: Diamantstein

                                                                    einschlafen unter sternen

Different but also german is Songs für Liam by Kraftclub (even better after oasis´reunion)

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Reply by 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆.


I recommend you a Brazilian band called Terno Rei, I love all their songs!

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