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Obscure Half-Life Things

Posted by Bottle O' Glue


Forum: Games

I'll share mine first:

In Water Hazard, right after you get the revolver, there is a watermelon hidden inside of a dumpster.

I want to see what you guys can come up with. What you share can be from any game (please try to tag HL:A spoilers before you say them), and be from any period of development (i.e. alpha, beta, release, or updates). It may be an interesting map quirk, a glitch, or an in-joke you had between friends.

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Reply by TokiDoki


last time i played half life 2 was like 15 years ago, there's lots of easter eggs in the game, one i can remember is the half life 1 hev charger plate in that chapter you get the gravity gun and testing it out with dog and alyx. all i can really remember for now

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Reply by Bottle O' Glue


Yeah, there's an achievement for it that was added to the game

It's on the same ledge as the barrels that Alyx tells you to grab

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