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games that you love but can't finish?

Posted by fbijailhouse


Forum: Games

hey everyone, have you ever had this weird thing happen to you before where you really like a game but can't find the attention span to play it?

for me that game is night in the woods. i played that game for a solid 3 hours and loved every second of it, from the story to the aesthetic and basically everything about it. i played it for a couple days and closed it one day excited to play it at the next opportunity. this was almost 2 years ago in december 2022!

do you have any games like this that you enjoy or want to play but just haven't for whatever reason?

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16 Replies

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Reply by JohnnyBoy


Blasphemous, I fucking love it but I really suck at it. 

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Reply by fbijailhouse


i know!! it's a really good game but my attention span is super fucked up lol

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Reply by tomo2515x


Alice Madness Returns and Tunic at the moment, both amazing games! 

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Reply by Robbie :3


i also cant finish NITW TwT i fucking love that game but i cant find the motivation to finish it ig? also cry of fear, alice madness returns, metamophosis, outlast and sooooo many more(but i did finish playing class of 09 yesterday ANDI LOVE THAT GAME SMMMMMM)

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Reply by fbijailhouse


so many games i haven't heard of in this post lol

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Reply by Valerie


Divinity: Original Sin 2.

Me and my friends got it in 2020 and racked up 300 hours of playtime in different playthroughs before finally finishing one in 2023

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Reply by munchlax


This post reminded me that I played night of the woods for 3 hours in december 2023, and I haven't played it since...

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Reply by fbijailhouse


>This post reminded me that I played night of the woods for 3 hours in december 2023, and I haven't played it since...

this is such an insane coincidence

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Reply by tessa.cool322


zelda breath of the wild :(

whenever i want to play it i don't even know what i wanted to do

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Reply by ⭐⊹ jaypursume !


i also haven't finished night in the woods :*) almost, though!! on the last act :)
same for doki doki, hollow knight, persona and danganronpa - i'm SO SLOW with visual novels it's insanity... i finished the first danganronpa but haven't played a lot of V2

undertale, too!! i really want to finish that game... genuinely have little to no motivation to pick it up again though :*)

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Reply by 3163-4oxy


Blasphemous as well! Such a beautiful game and storyline so far but omg I just can't go back on it for some reason... I'm having this with resident evil 1 as well, mainly because I'm hella lost trying to find the last mask.

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Reply by 1st Generation


minecraft, been playing it my whole life but never beat the ender dragon 

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Reply by Yuri


literally dark souls II, it's so buggy or idk if it's just me

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Reply by Citrufruit


this is me with octopath traveler 2. amazing game. fantastic game. i put 10 hours into it and then stopped playing. and i haven't picked it up since.

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Reply by natalie m shoebuckle


noisz starlivht and basically any soulslike

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Reply by Hache


definetly Vangers. i tried playing it 4 years ago but still didn't make any progress. the lore and atmosphere are wonderful. but the gameplay... you literally have to get used to it like you play video games for the first time

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