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NFTS: The definition of "Came and went."

Anyone remember those Non Fungible Tokens? They were all the rage back in like 2021. They came and went. No one remembers them LOL. Good riddance.

I always hated NFTS. So glad the blockchain is in shambles. :3c There were also so many people being like "NOOO YOU CANT SCREENSHOT MY 10000 BITCOIN NFT!!!!! THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS!!!"

Dont even get me started on how the Metaverse tried to incorporate NFTS and BITCOIN.(-_-)

Im glad it all came tumbling down. :3

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Reply by NosyCat


Me too. And now generative AI is on the way out too. Made by the exact same scammers, you know.

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Reply by Carboniferous


I'm happy to see them go the way of the Dodo :)

It was obvious from the start that they would crash and burn quickly, but the allure of quick riches was enough to keep them going for a little while. I feel no pity for any sucker that invested money into them.

It's also nice to see the many NFT web shows be abandoned and forgotten too.

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