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Oracle = Axolotl? theory

Posted by xBiffx


Forum: Gravity Falls Fans <3 Group

Ok so I think that there is some deep connection between The Oracle and the Axolotl. Originally, I thought they were one and the same, but now I’m not too sure about that… BUT there is still plenty of evidence showing that they are connected somehow.

[SPOILERS FOR JOURNAL 3 AND THE BOOK OF BILL] In Journal 3, it kinda hints about them being connected by her artwork. On the page about the Oracle, in the background of her artwork it shows multiple pictures of axolotls. But then there’s more subtle details that strengthens the theory even more. In a little coded note, on that same page, Ford describes her as “THE OPPOSITE OF BILL”; in The Book of Bill, at the end with the poem about Bill talking with the Axolotl, it says “THE OPPOSITES MET FACE-TO-FACE”.. There’s also some more proof.. On the page where Bill is talking about his Henchmaniacs, the scribbled out one on the bottom right page looks exactly like the Oracle, but because it’s scribbled out and labeled as “NOT important” it seems like they are no longer friends. And when going back to the end poem, there’s the line “HE PLED HIS CASE TO HIS OLD FRIEND”

What do y’all think?

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Reply by 【★】𝕃𝔼𝕏!【★】


I think that the oracle is connected to the axolotl, but it's more of a religious thing. The axolotl seems to be a god or higher power that the oracle follows. 

Personally, I think the axolotl saw protentional the oracle and gave her some powers or knowledge. I see it more as a follower and deity type relationship. It would also make sense if the general power of the axolotl was the opposing force, and the oracle is kinda the person embodiment of that power or energy. I definitely think they're the same side of a coin with the other side being bill.  

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Reply by xBiffx


I agree. The Axolotl definitely seems more like a god but they’re definitely on the same team.

(Also tysm for reading my theory. Nobody ever does )

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