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give me the most wild music recs

ok so like i RLLY NEED some new music to listen too and i want you guys to give me EVERYTHING no judgement; genre, artist, song etc dont matter just go ham lol

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Reply by Nigu


ill go wild and varied!!

when you say wild a band that comes to mind is midori :D their music definitely sounds wild and frenzied, you should listen to "yukikosan" to see for yourself :3

for a familiar name there's radiohead xD sure it might not sound too wild but the stuff from their 8th album is very interesting, like "bloom" with its confusing drum beats :D

another band that sounds like despair is this heat!! their song "makeshift swahili" is a little nugget of cerebral post-punk that can be a bit unsettling :o

finally a band that has uncommon compositions which still ultimately sound endearing is women, you can hear this in their song "shaking hand" :3

i hope you like any of those!

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Reply by uglerdenim


you should give throbbing gristle a listen, specifically their album "20 jazz funk greats" its not actually jazz or funk its industrial and was like one of the first industrial bands and was a huge pioneer. its pretty intense and disturbing but hopefully tolerable enough? i love them

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