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Hello this is a question, I am very curious so I want to ask; what exactly is this pup boy pup girl thing?

I am asking genuinely curious, I have no idea what this is and I would like to find out if I am fitting inside the definition of it

Thank you for reading this, sorry for intruding ^^

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Reply by Raf


honestly it really varies from person to person as of why they call themselves that. most i know, me included, just find comfort in dressing up like a dog (ears, tails, collars) and all that, just because it's silly and cute, for just wearing ears and tails for aesthetics it's called the kemonomimi. some people call themselves that due to pet regression (think like age regression), some due to nsfw stuff, sometimes terms "pup-" are used for a kink community, u might see those leather masks and all that (sometimes also worn just for aesthetics, not necessarily a kink). so it really depends!

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Reply by Lamby


oo that's cool :0 i just see it a lot (on spacehey especially) so i was kinda wondering what exactly it was. It seems like the term is pretty broad and can be referring to a lot

thank you for replying to my question btw :] i actually kinda forgot i wrote it lol

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