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leaving twitter behind?

Posted by e


Forum: LGBTQ+ Scene Group

has anyone else in the lgbtq+ community considered leaving/abandoning/taking a long break from twitter due to the massive amount of negative lgbtq discourse and infighting that goes on there? i mainly stay on for my friends but i have to admit that it gets super exhausting seeing constant infighting and sides disregarding the others sexuality. i need a very longĀ break one of these days...

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Reply by Gennie [She/Her]


I just have twitter so I can run squawker LMAO.

Fuck Elon, genuinely, he ruined it.

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Reply by Noelle Suplex


I feel like if you're constantly seeing things like infighting and discourse then you need to change some things up in how you use the platform. Not saying twitter is good by any means but i feel like you're not gonna be better off on other social media sites.

Step one would be to just never go on "For You" or anything like that. Tailoring your space means not allowing the machine to feed you stuff you don't care about.

Step two would be to block/mute anyone who does nothing but constantly posts about that stuff. (blocking for randoms, muting for friends). If it's all retweets then twitter allows you to turn off retweets for a user so you only see the stuff they post directly. Be very liberal with your block button. Even if the person hasn't even really done anything "wrong", if the vibes are off block 'em.

Now, none of this is to say you should close your eyes and plug your ears to important issues but I've found that not paying attention to petty drama makes one much happier. These steps are how I've been able to use things like Twitter and Tumblr for over a decade lmao. Spending less time overall on social media is good though, no matter what your situation is.

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