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Anyone else love lightgun/arcade shooters?

Posted by rammy


Forum: Games

Love a good lightgun shooter, especially House of the Dead or CarnEvil. Wish there was a PC port for HoTD4 or CarnEvil. Anyone else love lightgun games?

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Reply by Zoseph


I also LOVE hotd , tbh even the old crunchy ones.  My city has a vintage+emulator arcade+pinball place, and it is just awesome.  They have a real NES with the game duckhunt+the controllers but sadly they're very inaccurate.

The theater has stand-up HOTD model (I think its game 2) that has the like, step in black prop torn curtains, and the lazartag has the nice HOTD4 set up on a cool balcony above the rest of the arcade.

Some mad lad on r/ emulation did jerrryrig a set up for a lightgun arcade play of HOTD4 at home with pretty decent results. post is here if u are interested

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Reply by rammy


wish my local arcades were that cool, did go to one up in milton keynes (hours away, though) that had carnevil and time crisis, really wanna go back there some day...

played a bit of the 2 and 3 on the wii version and had a blast (pun intended), the wii was so good for lightgun games and it's a shame it wasn't expanded on more

thanks for the reddit link, looks sick as hell, the sinden lightgun truly is a miracle

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