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Most Underrated Tokio Hotel Songs

I feel like some of my favorite songs from TH don't get ANY recognition, and i want to list them out so more fans find out about them if they haven't already!
1. Attention
2. Down on you
3. Wir schleissen uns ein
4. Hurricanes and Suns
5. Frei im freien fall
6. That Day
7. Instant Karma
8. Geh
9. Hilf mir fliegen
10. Strange
11. Nach dir kommt nichts
12. Invaded
13. Unendlichkeit
14. Thema Nr. 1
15. Screamin'
16. Alien
17. Madchen aus dem all
18. Fur immer jetzt (German version of Forever now)
19. Lass uns Laufen (German version of World behind my wall)

(Yes, I've done as much research as you can imagine to the point where I know their whole discography song for song xD)

If you have more songs in mind, please write them in the comments!

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