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Coining a specialized term similar to "fursona" that would be more fitting for otherhearts, but I can't speak for therians so I might need some input

I'm not usually one to coin or use very specific labels, but I find that "fursona" doesn't accurately describe my experiences as a questioning animal otherheart in the furry community because "fursona" comes with the connotation that it's a separate identity, a persona. There's an older, slightly different term for kintype: "true self." I suggest that "furself" should be adopted as a term similar to "fursona," but with the added implication that your furself is your identity.

Here it is being used in some sentences: 
"I drew my furself! I'm an elk"  

"I am my furself, but not my fursona."

I am very new to the therian community and by no means can I speak for all experiences. If you have suggestions for a more accurate term or if you know a term like this already exists, I appreciate the input.

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Reply by ✮⋆˙Euda


Wasnt The Term For That '' Truesona '' Or Am I Mixing Things Up

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