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RULES!! >:C [pinned]

Posted by Jay_Silly_Man


Forum: Trans Teens!! X3 Group

We want to keep this a safe space for everyone, and here are a couple things we'd ask you to abide by to keep it that way!

1. Keep this a safe place!! Don't be rude to people, xenogenders/neopronoun users are allowed (AND VALID!!). This is mainly a space for trans kids, but if a cisgender minor joins to ask some questions, it's totally allowed!! We want to keep this a mainly trans focused space, though.

2. Vent/Rant posts 
are allowed!! Label or say if something is a vent/rant post, and trigger warning things properly, and of course it can't go against SpaceHey guidelines, but other than that, feel free to vent your trans, or not, problems here. Also say if responses are okay, and if you want solutions or just validation, and etc.

3. Anything passing related is okay, in some circumstances. If you're giving passing advice, don't tell specific people, make a post. Try not to make it broad, or obvious advice. If you have specific things you've found that helped you, feel free to share! Do NOT make posts asking if you pass, followed by a picture of you. Pictures of yourself are fine, but keep in mind that if you followed the rules, you are a minor. Be careful is all I can ask!

4. Boundaries. If you are making somebody uncomfortable and they tell you that, please do not continue to engage in conversation. If you continue to make them uncomfortable, someone will step in and we will have to remove you from the group. Our goal is to make this a fun and safe space for everyone as I've said above, so please, lets make that happen.

5. Have fun!! In the end, just have fun and respect people. Don't be rude, and you'll be fine. I hope you can meet other really cool people like you, that's the whole reason I made this group!! Enjoy :3!

  -Jay :3

(If you have questions, feel free to ask in comments!!)

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1 Reply

Reply by Xx_dani_angel_xX


hi hi hi hellooo dan here (daniel) hope i can meet lots of nice ppl !! x3

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