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Flight Rising Dragon Show and Tell

Posted by wereverine


Forum: Games

This is for the Flight Rising website/game!

I couldn't really figure out what to put it in... so if this is the wrong topic, tell me. Please.

I'm in the Ice Flight, so you'll se a lot of blue. This is my first dragon Winter, he has the most cosmetics.

This is winter!


This is Icicle, she came once I got Winter, she has one hat!

This is icicle!


This is Frosty, the 1st child of Winter + Icicle.

This is Frosty! (I don't know why the image is so small...)


And thats it!

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Reply by Zoseph


Yay<3  I love running into Fr player outside of FR!

ooooo your ice flight dragons look so good 🌟🌟, I love those icy tones~~

I'd love to see what you have in planned for them!

If you'd like to be frens on FR my link is here

My progen (first dragon) may trick someone into thinking maybe it's a plague clan, but Bazinga!  Arcanite, and to show it I do in fact have tons of pink/purple/lavender dragons.

My first dragon!

My current favorite Ancient
My funniest dragon!

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Reply by wereverine


You're dragons seem cool, I like the styles.

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