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How do I tell if I like someone, want to be their friend, or if I am just romanticizing the idea of them?

Posted by Embigim :3


Forum: Romance and Relationships

I posted a thread on this forum literally a few minutes ago and it is sort of related, but I felt this should be its own thing.

Recently, I've been having trouble determining if that pull in my chest when that special someone walks by is from me having a crush on them, romanticizing the idea of them based on what I know about them, or if I just really want to be friends with them and that pull is just me wanting to form a bond with them. I wish there was a little thing that told you because things would be so much easier.

 I don't think I can go another day having the cool bass player in my guitar class compliment my outfits because I get nervous when he does it and don't know why. I'm not like this with other people, just those I want to be close with. I find myself wanting to strike up conversations with him, which is odd because I don't like to do that and I'm effectively mute in that class since I'm not friends with anyone there nor is there much of a reason to talk in that class. I'm scared that it might be weirding people out, which I already do since I have terrible RBF, I'm very straightforward, and I'm very open about my extremely weird interests such as oddities, shows I like, and novels.

Long story short, how do I figure out what I'm feeling and stop accidentally being weird as hell???

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Reply by Alex C.


This is so relatable, honestly I'm 26 and still struggle with this. It sounds to me like you do like that person, and honestly bass players are hot fr. Ask him out! Worst that can happen is he says no, just respect that if he does

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