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Surrounding self with more furries!

Posted by Wormzspring


Forum: Furries of SpaceHey Group

Growing up I've been a furry for years! Mainly with my dumb fennec fox fusona (now a rat) and I've been struggling because I want to surround myself with more furries like myself but dont really know where to start? I don't have the money for fur suiting or making fursuits (even tho i rlly want to) and it's kinda hard to meet anyone who also likes! However im mainly a furry artist.!

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Reply by Luciana Skye


from my experience, it's diggity-damn hard to find people you share interests like this with, but once you do, you're stuck together. it also depends a lot on where you live- somewhere like Tennesse is probably ultra furry hell. i don't got too much advice other than that...Β 

btw, what's your fursona look like?

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Reply by Wormzspring


My fursona looks like this :]


srry abt the huge images im still semi new to the website

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Reply by xXL0rd_Fr3dXx


I also have a hard time finding other furries irl, even WITH a fursuit. I only really find them at the local cons, and even then its just a few at an anime convention. My only suggestion is to find a community of like-minded furries online!

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We're already friends on here if you'd like to talk abt furry stuff together! My fursona is a guinea pig but, needing to redraw their reference sheet. I've noticed that it's super hard to find furry friends online and I've always had issues trying to find them. xD I legit have only one super close furry friend after searching for years! I found them when I was streaming on Twitch still.

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