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I used to be an antifur.

Posted by MACARIO


Forum: Furries of SpaceHey Group

Like three years ago I used to be an antifurry, but now... well, I'm even considering creating a fursona for myself. How funny is that, ain't it?

Anyways, I want to know if there is more people like me, what led you to change opinions, and how do you feel about that.

[Possible inspiration?]

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Reply by BL00DF4NG !!


I used to be an antifur when I was a kid, mostly due to watching YouTube videos making fun of them and stuff. I slowly became a furry when I stumbled across The Click and began watching furry memes, slowly becoming a furry myself and making a fursona and now am now working on a furry webcomic!

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Reply by bunyy ☆


character development

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Reply by TimothyStars


well I loved furries when I was younger, but then I found the bad part of the fandom and I started hating furries just because of that part, now I know that are good and bad people everywhere and I can be and do whatever I want, and now I know that I can being furry without being like that ugly part of the comunity I have met

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