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Background Image Not Working [closed]

SpaceHey and coding n00b here. I looked at some guides and put together this CSS code for a background collage of Andrew Wyeth paintings I threw together in Microsoft Paint. It works fine on Nein MC's tester, but I have it in my About Me section right now, and it's not displaying. Anyone know what I did wrong? Thanks for helping me out.


  body {

    background: url(https://i.imgur.com/UWVYbqB.png) repeat;

    background-size: 424px 253px;

     -webkit-background-size: center;

     -moz-background-size: center;

     -o-background-size: center;

     background-size: center;



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Reply by Pawtals!


Wrap the URL in quotes, rookie mistake.

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Reply by Palindrome



Thank you for your help, but it's entered on my page right now and still not showing up. The adjustment still works on Nein MC's site. Here's what I edited exactly to make sure I did it right:

    background: url("https://i.imgur.com/UWVYbqB.png") repeat;

Do you know what else it could possibly be?

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Reply by Pawtals!


I know that the background rule is prone to breaking when you don't give it args in the correct order I'll look into that.

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Reply by Pawtals!


After checking I realized its because the image is hosted on imgur and it just doesn't work on SpaceHey, use imgbb instead if possible.

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Reply by Palindrome


Woah! It worked! Thank you.


Posting the code that I got to work in case any other n00bs come across this:


  body {

    background: url("https://i.ibb.co/kQy8pNs/Wyeth-Tentative3.png") repeat;

    background-size: 424px 253px;

     -webkit-background-size: center;

     -moz-background-size: center;

     -o-background-size: center;

     background-size: center;



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