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why is making music so hardd

yall i been tryna make music but finding a producer be so hard

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Reply by Torso


Just produce it yourself, easy

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Reply by rebeginme


no clue if you're aiming for electronic music or acoustic. if you might be doing electronic, there are some really good resources on YouTube that I've been coming across recently that have been opening my eyes to more sound design possibilities. granted, that platform is a double edged sword because a lot of the content is absolute crap designed to steal your attention, but if you can find some smaller youtubers or particular youtubers, there can be some really good content in there.

some really good channels i've found:

woochia's sound design and woochia's music theory videos are really in depth guides that cover a ton of basics. the sound design video is a really good overview of the various built-in effects and how to go about using them.

You Suck At Producing is a really good channel that has funny but to-the-point tutorials.

alckemy's channel is a gold mine, with a lot of livestreams where he'll uncut work on different basses and sounds. i've found this really insightful because he explains what he's doing and the process, and you can pick up on a lot without being told exactly what to program, which is super cool for actually learning how to really do things.

eric bowman's video on recreating sounds was crazy to me, this video shows some really technical analysis for music production.

venus theory's drum synthesis video is helping me demystify creating my own drums, which i like bc sample copyright scares the shit out of me. (kinda mid on his other videos imo)


other random things:

  • wow distortion is actually really useful and i can't believe i never used it that much. i was way too attached to keeping waveforms on a synth clean, which takes away your ability to do so much with the sound.
  • shimmer reverb, where you take a band on the top and pass it to a delay to create a shimmer sound in the high end, is very pretty
  • phase plant is a very cool synth and i love that it's so modular, you can pass controls into whatever other control and it feels so freeing
  • ableton's music theory tools are cool bc i am so bad at memorizing things and scales were so intimidating to try and memorize


apologies if you're working on acoustic and this is all completely random but finding these has been super cool for me, so i figured i might share for anyone else. i have been stuck on music production for several years and finding resources that explain everything a little more clearly has been a godsend. still definitely learning on my part so not much to show yet but these videos have restored my faith i can go somewhere with it, eventually. and i've been getting really excited with what i've been learning lately

EDIT: And I just saw that you're asking about finding a producer. soooo this probably doesn't apply. but if you ever wanna produce yourself, whole wide world of cool technique to discover, hope the above is at least marginally interesting to ya

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