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Problem with embed from github [closed]

Posted by Kiosrel


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Hello! I'm trying to put an embed of a github page but whenever I save the code y rewrites itself to remove the link

what I type:

//<iframe src="url" width="100%" height="600px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

what appears when I save:

//<iframe src="" width="100%" height="600px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

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Reply by Kiosrel


nvm, I just realized it may be for security issues

Is there something I can do to make an embed of a github site without using restringed methods?

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Reply by pawtal!!!


You can't embed any content outside of what they allow. (I.e YouTube, spotify & other media services)

I have no idea why you would want to embed your site anyways.

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Reply by Kiosrel


Because I made a really cool animation with javascrpt and was trying really hard to implement it but it seems it's just impossible (I'm really new to this site so I didn´t know you couldn't use it)

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Reply by pawtal!!!


Yeah no CSS only for customization. 

I would give you advice on how to port the animation over to your profile via other methods, but I have no idea what it even is.

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Reply by Kiosrel


It´s a card that have a 3d effect depending on where your cursor is


there it is

since it isn't possible to impelment on my page I made something different but that keeps the intention, you can find it in my profile

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Reply by pawtal!!!


Yeah I see it, don't worry about following the mouse pointer it looks fine without it.

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